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a laide ! module FEU disparu : RESOLU

je me répond à moi même ==>

S'il est possible d'exporter/d'mporter une table d'utilisateurs FEU , il n 'est en revanche pas possible d'importer les mots de passe (MD5).

Voici une réponse de Calguy1000 à ce sujet :

The conclusion here is that if you use CMSMS to build a website that allows users to Self-Register, there is absolutely no possible way to move your website from that original database/server without having to send out a generic password to everybody for them to log in and reset it?"

This is incorrect, you can move CMS Installs (including FEU and Selfreg) from one server to another, restore from backup, etc. You just can't copy the FEU tables from one install to another because there is data that is unique to each install that is used to ensure that the hashed passwords are different. The hash for the password '123456' on one FEU install will be different than the hash for the password '123456' on another."


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