Puissant pour les pros
Simple pour les utilisateurs

CMS Made Simple, un CMS open source, permet la gestion rapide et facile des contenus d'un site web. Ce CMS est adapté aussi bien pour les petites sociétés que pour les grandes entreprises.

La Gestion de Contenu Simplifiée

Cms Made Simple 1.9.3

Catégorie : Nouvelle version

Une version hautement intéressante car uniquement dédiée aux corrections de bugs laissés dans la précédente 1.9.2

Pour ceux et celles qui ont suivi la forge ces derniers temps, un drôle de manège s'affairait sur la liste des bugs de CmsMadeSimple puisqu'une fois n'est pas coutume, les bugs étaient clôturés les uns après les autres à vitesse grand V.

Et cette suite de corrections nous donne aujourd'hui la version 1.9.3 dite Motu Tane qui se veut aussi stable que possible afin d'assurer une base solide pour les prochains mois.

En bref sur cette version


50 : c'est le nombre que vous devrez retenir de cette nouvelle version : il représente le nombre de bugs corrigés !

Nouvelle gestion des caches pour les pages : une page dite ""cacheable"" sera mise en cache par le navigateur, améliorant la vitesse de votre site dès sa seconde visite. Une page ""non-cacheable"" au contraire continuera à fonctionner comme avant et provoquera le rechargement par le navigateur.

Le module du menu est revu et corrige de nombreux bugs dont le très gênant $node->parent qui ne fonctionnait plus.

Mettez vous à jour ! désormais seules les versions 1.6.9, 1.9.2 et 1.9.3 seront acceptés par les modérateurs de notre forum lors de vos appels à l'aide.

Pour ceux que ça intéresse : la liste des corrections

Version 1.9.3 - Motu Tane
Core - Bugreports:
- #3766 Admin screens blank on new install (firewalled)
- #3794 Remove use of readfile
- #3820 Included method.install.php cannot return an error message
- #3848 Pages flashing on load - no-cache headers
- #5329 Assigning language from locale is not correct
- #5619 Too short input fields
- #5744 Impossible to reload and save a valid sitedown html page.
- #5747 Error when final line of UDT is a comment
- #5794 Stylesheet url in header could be wrong
- #5861 Extra fields are cleared if a mandatory field is forgotten
- #5865 Small issue with admin panel tab header id's.
- #5888 Remove markedown plugins from distribution.
- #5952 GetPageAliasFromID() Undefined variable ""alias""
- #5846 When Power Users edit page content, the aliases change
- #5959 UserTagOperations::SetUserTag() does not set ID
- #5971 Missing Image File in the default theme for CMSMS
- #5996 does not show in preview-tab
- Page URLS are case in-sensitive but forced to lowercase on page submit.
- Fixes a minor problems with modules adding tasks to be executed with psuedocron

Core - Feature requests:
- #1133 Admin Panel: MenuText instead of page title in overview & hierarchy
- #1654 Add additional options to the cmsmslink plug-in for WYSIWYG editors.
- #1656 Add the ""Character Map"" to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Basic toolbar by default.
- #2635 Enable ""reorder pages"" tool to change parent id
- #2969 Install > integrity check > number of failed files
- #3140 Improved Page Re-order
- #3194 Page_image and page_thumbnail sort order and/or path
- #3282 Description field for GCB's
- #3670 Better solution for viewing when site is down
- #3689 Create config.php automatically if file does not exist
- #3958 Pretty CSS URLs
- #3975 New checkbox for global content blocks
- #4172 Page_image setting
- #4554 Display ALL Global Content Blocks on One Page
- #5440 View website in maintenance mode.
- #5670 Pref to disable wywiwyg for sitedown message
- Caching - Important Change
1. Now pages marked as 'cachable' will be cachable in the browser for a time period as specified in the global settings page.
Pages not marked as 'cachable', or those accessed via a POST request will not be allowed to be cached by the browser.
2. Adds new settings to global settings to control browser cache capabilities.

Core Installer:
- #4136 Admin gui breaks when isntalling update over https
- #4978 Upgrade.32.to.33
- #5406 Upgrade stops when locales not correct

- #4046 Files too large won't upload

- #1761 Adding new template downloads moduleinterface.php
- #2488 Apply and Submit does not work in certain scenario
- #2503 Sectionheader is displayed as Link when is activeparent
- #2489 $node->current missing in Help description
- #3460 'items=' active page not working correctly
- #3599 simple_menu not setting correct CSS selectors since 1.6
- #3620 $node->image disapear in 1.6 version
- #4089 ""loadprops"" doesn't work if ""items"" is set
- #4186 Template error in simple_navigation.tpl causing invalid XHTML output
- #4237 Menu Separators not generated since v1.6.x
- #5447 Menu function childrenof breaks collapse

- #5987 Field Definition - Public option

- #5209 Printing module causes fatal errors when used with gallery

- Remove misleading, and buggy cancel button.

- Fixes problems with quotes in search terms

- Fixes to importing themes wrt Menumanager calls... should now be completely flexible.


Version 1.9.3 - Motu Tane
Core - Bugreports:
- #3766 Admin screens blank on new install (firewalled)
- #3794 Remove use of readfile
- #3820 Included method.install.php cannot return an error message
- #3848 Pages flashing on load - no-cache headers
- #5329 Assigning language from locale is not correct
- #5619 Too short input fields
- #5744 Impossible to reload and save a valid sitedown html page.
- #5747 Error when final line of UDT is a comment
- #5794 Stylesheet url in header could be wrong
- #5861 Extra fields are cleared if a mandatory field is forgotten
- #5865 Small issue with admin panel tab header id's.
- #5888 Remove markedown plugins from distribution.
- #5952 GetPageAliasFromID() Undefined variable ""alias""
- #5846 When Power Users edit page content, the aliases change
- #5959 UserTagOperations::SetUserTag() does not set ID
- #5971 Missing Image File in the default theme for CMSMS
- #5996 does not show in preview-tab
- Page URLS are case in-sensitive but forced to lowercase on page submit.
- Fixes a minor problems with modules adding tasks to be executed with psuedocron

Core - Feature requests:
- #1133 Admin Panel: MenuText instead of page title in overview & hierarchy
- #1654 Add additional options to the cmsmslink plug-in for WYSIWYG editors.
- #1656 Add the ""Character Map"" to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Basic toolbar by default.
- #2635 Enable ""reorder pages"" tool to change parent id
- #2969 Install > integrity check > number of failed files
- #3140 Improved Page Re-order
- #3194 Page_image and page_thumbnail sort order and/or path
- #3282 Description field for GCB's
- #3670 Better solution for viewing when site is down
- #3689 Create config.php automatically if file does not exist
- #3958 Pretty CSS URLs
- #3975 New checkbox for global content blocks
- #4172 Page_image setting
- #4554 Display ALL Global Content Blocks on One Page
- #5440 View website in maintenance mode.
- #5670 Pref to disable wywiwyg for sitedown message
- Caching - Important Change
1. Now pages marked as 'cachable' will be cachable in the browser for a time period as specified in the global settings page.
Pages not marked as 'cachable', or those accessed via a POST request will not be allowed to be cached by the browser.
2. Adds new settings to global settings to control browser cache capabilities.

Core Installer:
- #4136 Admin gui breaks when isntalling update over https
- #4978 Upgrade.32.to.33
- #5406 Upgrade stops when locales not correct

- #4046 Files too large won't upload

- #1761 Adding new template downloads moduleinterface.php
- #2488 Apply and Submit does not work in certain scenario
- #2503 Sectionheader is displayed as Link when is activeparent
- #2489 $node->current missing in Help description
- #3460 'items=' active page not working correctly
- #3599 simple_menu not setting correct CSS selectors since 1.6
- #3620 $node->image disapear in 1.6 version
- #4089 ""loadprops"" doesn't work if ""items"" is set
- #4186 Template error in simple_navigation.tpl causing invalid XHTML output
- #4237 Menu Separators not generated since v1.6.x
- #5447 Menu function childrenof breaks collapse

- #5987 Field Definition - Public option

- #5209 Printing module causes fatal errors when used with gallery

- Remove misleading, and buggy cancel button.

- Fixes problems with quotes in search terms

- Fixes to importing themes wrt Menumanager calls... should now be completely flexible.
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